Micro Tasks: Smaller to-dos for your ADHD brain

Original publish date: Sept. 29th 2024


Hey there!


Welcome to Momentum Monday (on a Sunday)!  🥳 


This is your weekly dose of inspiration and practical strategies to kick-start your week and get the ball rollin’!


This email series is meant to be your gentle nudge, helping you find those little sparks of momentum you need to get in the groove. 💃🏻


This week, we’re diving into The Power of Micro-Tasks and Momentum Tasks—and let me tell you, these can be a game-changer for our ADHD brains.


Why Micro/Momentum-Tasks?

You know that overwhelming feeling when you look at a messy room or a project with too many steps, and it’s all too much so you throw in the towel before you even get started? Yep, me too! That’s where micro/momentum-tasks come in. Instead of looking at the whole mountain, we’re going to break it down into pebbles—tiny, manageable tasks that take just 3 minutes or less. Micro/momentum-tasks are your secret weapon to getting started when the bigger task feels like too much.


Example: Cleaning a Room

Let’s say you’ve been avoiding cleaning a particular room (we all have that one (or 5) room, don’t we?). Instead of thinking, “I need to clean this entire space,” we’re going to break it down into super small, specific tasks that take 3 minutes or less.

Here’s how to micro-task your way through it:

  • Pick up all the clothes on the floor.
  • Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
  • Fold and put away just 3 items.
  • Declutter the bedside table.
  • Pick up five random objects and return them to their spots.


You don’t need to do everything at once. The goal is to just start with one micro-task, and watch how that small action can create momentum for the next one.

(A great resource for this is goblin.tools)


Momentum Tasks are slightly different. I use these as transition tasks to get up and get moving. These could be things like dancing to a favorite song, washing my hands in super cold water, taking a shower, or drinking a glass of water. 


Another example here could be for cleaning/housework:

  • Put on your favorite music or podcast to get moving.
  • Set a timer for 5 minutes and start tidying one corner of the room.
  • Change into comfortable clothes that you can move around in. (But keep your shoes on)!
  • Tidy up just one area (like a couch or table).
  • Light a candle or spray air freshener to create a fresh environment.



Action Item:

Identify one task that’s been stressing you out, and pick just one micro-task or momentum task from the list above (or create your own). Set a timer for 3 minutes and get it done. (Race the clock! How much can you do in 3 minutes?) If you feel good after that, you can move on to another micro-task. But even if you just do the one, that’s a win!

Remember: Small steps count. Your only job today is to take one step forward.


Want to dive deeper into YOUR specific brand of ADHD? Let’s jump on a FREE coaching call together! (Booking the session takes less than 3 minutes… 😏😉).


I’m also launching another cohort of my 6 week group coaching program, ADHD Academy, starting at mid October. (Ladies only for now). If you’re interested take a look or shoot me a message and we’ll get things sorted! 


Happy micro-tasking,

Leah 🌶️


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