Making lists, setting alarms, using 100 different planners, and just flat out being a jerk to yourself in hopes that will make a difference with motivation and “getting your shit together,” but none of that has helped? Most of the time, especially with that last one, it’s made things even more difficult? The anxiety, stress and overwhelm keep showing up and you feel like you’re drowning in your own brain?! Same friend. Same.
You have likely attempted to draw upon other tricks to help you adjust and feel better (positive thinking, affirmations, self-help books, advice from friends, self-coaching…)
It’s not that you are doing something wrong, it’s that our brains are legitimately wired differently than the rest of the population, and most times these tricks are all well and good for our neurotypical friends, but don’t work the same way for us. You are NOT crazy or lazy or useless!
I thought being a scattered, hotmess with an adhd brain was just who I was. But eventually I got really sick of my own bullshit and realized I DO have the power to change things. I dug in, found the gold, implemented it, and want to show you how to do it as well!
- *Just make a to-do list!
- *Please just get to the point!
- *You seriously lost your keys, AGAIN?! How does this keep happening?
- *The dishes are piled up everywhere, JUST DO THEM!
- *Dude, just get your shit together, it’s not that hard!
- *Yeah, but doesn’t everyone have a little ADHD?
- *I just told you like 5 seconds ago. How could you have possibly forgotten already? You must not care.
Who am I am why do I care?
That’s me. Raising my hand. Because: Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt. I used to hear all these things as well, and let’s be honest, I still sometimes do. All of the anxiety and overwhelm because I just couldn’t seem to get it together, and as soon as I would get it together, I’d inevitably drop the ball and everything would go to shit. Hello self sabotage! I went through life thinking I was a disorganized, lazy, scattered person, and that’s just “the way it was.”
My work suffered, my relationships suffered, I suffered! I knew there had to be a way out, so I got to work (on myself) and figured out some really amazing information about the things I could do to manage my ADHD instead of focusing so strongly on the limitations my neurodivergent brain placed on me. I needed support and tools to use in managing my ADHD, not just meds to “treat” it. Focusing on what is in my control versus focusing on what is out of my control has led to a transformation that has been more than I ever thought possible.
adhd coaching...
Takes you on a journey to managing YOUR specific brand of ADHD and your neurodivergent brain. Not my brain, or your friends, or your boss’, or your parents, but yours and how it shows up for you. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, as ADHD is a spectrum and what works for one might very well be detrimental for another.
We work together to create systems, scaffolding, and mindsets that work for your biggest day to day struggles, as well as dive into who you really are, not who society has told you to be. Allowing yourself to take part in this transformation is a chance to dig deep and realize how much control you actually hold in managing your ADHD.
I have created a holistic approach to finding, seeing and addressing the ways in which you show up in the world and how you can make your ADHD work for you, not against you. Ways in which you can accept your limitations yet not judge yourself by them. But don’t get it twisted, I am not here to tell you ADHD is your superpower.
There is no magic pill. No one is coming to save you. But through our work together you’ll see that you can save yourself and in fact you’re the only one that really can. And you’ll find that you are worthy of actual support. You are your superpower. It’s as simple as that. (Notice simple, not easy)
- I’m originally from Kentucky (hey y’all) but my hyper-active, itchy feet led me to hit the road in 2016 to travel the world, taking me to over 35 countries, in only 2 of which I actually shat my pants.
- I now live in southern Germany, tucked between the German, Austrian and Swiss Alps. This would be a whole lot cooler if I didn’t loathe cold weather and could ski better than a new born baby deer. (Not to mention if my brain would allow me to learn German)!
- There are few things I love more in life than a mesmerizing book, rich bourbon, stomach busting laughter, a good flea market and a long nap. (Yes I still take naps, and you should too)! Oh and mimosas. Because, obviously.
- I have been teaching yoga since 2017 and still have to write out every single class and have it in front of me while I teach. No shame in my game.
- I will never willingly pass up a Cracker Barrel. Hashbrown casserole, helllooooo!!
- My favorite words are of the 4 letter variety. I use them often and with pleasure.