I’m so glad you’ve found your way to this page. I help fellow ADHDers build a toolbox to pull from instead of only medication and TikTok to rely on. Tired of the same old shit and ready to make some changes? Good. You’re in the right place! I’m here to offer support for all the ways your ADHD brain drives you insane, and help you live a happier, calmer, more in control life. I did it and so can you. Let me show you how…

If I had to guess…

You have a deep desire to feel calm, worthy, capable, put together, successful, competent, balanced, and not like you’re on the verge of losing your freaking mind.

You want to stop the procrastination, overcompensating, indecision, second guessing, fear of failure, perceived laziness, not being “adulty” enough, and always feeling so damn scattered.

You want to:

Let me introduce myself

I’m Leah, I have ADHD, and I’m here to offer the support that our community so desperately needs. I help fellow ADHDers build a toolbox to pull from instead of only relying on motivation, willpower and meds. None of which work on their own and the first two of which are actual bullshit.

So many of us are diagnosed, given a prescription and then sent on our merry way with no real guidance on how to manage our neurodivergent brains or reach our full potential. Enter coaching. I want to help you dig deep into who you are and how YOUR brain works. By taking the time to get to know yourself and how you operate, you can begin to make small, conscious changes in your everyday life that lead to huge transformations!

You can not control how you have moved through the world up to this point, but you CAN control how you navigate life moving forward. I want to help you shift your story from always feeling like a scattered mess with moments of clarity, to a place where calm connectivity is the norm, not the exception. Does that mean every day is going to be a tranquil fairytale? Absolutely not! (How boring would that be, anyway)?! But if you dig in to self awareness, self acceptance, radical honesty and massive action, I can promise you, your life will change in ways you never thought possible.

Leeah holding bouquet of lavender
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